Latest News
Reducing our carbon footprint with Kualo hosting!
Get ready for the Eartheart performance....
Sinfonia Viva visit Corby
NCF Awards 2022 - DRTT nominated for "Lifetime Achievement Award"
Release of "Lockdown EP" and "Doorstep Delight" video!
Cultural Celebration Event - September 2021
Into the Wild! Children's online holiday project
DRTT Dancetheatre Lockdown Dance Film
Lockdown performance of "Things We Used To Make"
Our Garland-Making Workshop - The Finished Results!
About Us
Who We Are
The Story So Far
"Changing Corby" - our new project for 2017
Remembrance and Rebirth
"Changing Corby" - Corby's Cultural Heritage
Corby's Urban Woodlands
DRTT Choir
DRTT Dancetheatre
The Nelken Line
Our Woods
What was "Our Woods"?
People Involved
Further Information
Picture Galleries
Dreaming Our Woods - song lyrics
Choir Page
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Registered Charity No. 1169357
Choirs in Corby, Deep Roots Tall Trees
Dreaming Our Woods
Neil Paris Sessions
Our Woods events 2nd to 12th September 2016
Images from Wildwood performance
The Eloquent Fold - images
Spinning New Dreams
Impronta Teatro - images
Danny Hero - Promo Recording Photos
Warkton Concert
Royal Festival Hall 2015
Coming Home 2015
Northants Sings Out 2015
The Big Night Out 2014
Our Woods events 17th to 18th September
Performance Opportunity with Neil Paris
Latest News
Reducing our carbon footprint with Kualo hosting!
Get ready for the Eartheart performance....
Sinfonia Viva visit Corby
NCF Awards 2022 - DRTT nominated for "Lifetime Achievement Award"
Release of "Lockdown EP" and "Doorstep Delight" video!
Cultural Celebration Event - September 2021
Into the Wild! Children's online holiday project
DRTT Dancetheatre Lockdown Dance Film
Lockdown performance of "Things We Used To Make"
Our Garland-Making Workshop - The Finished Results!
About Us
Who We Are
The Story So Far
"Changing Corby" - our new project for 2017
Remembrance and Rebirth
"Changing Corby" - Corby's Cultural Heritage
Changing Corby - Scottish Phase Celebration Event
Scottish residents of Corby - interviews and songs
Polish residents of Corby - culture and life
A Polish Christmas
Cultural Diversions - visits from World Music artists
Latvian Voices of Corby
Our Latvian weekend experience! Songs, Dance and Easter Eggs!
Serbs of Corby
An evening with our Serbian friends!
"Coming Together" - The Grand Finale of our "Changing Corby" project
The "Changing Corby" Exhibition
Changing Corby - Project Archive
Changing Corby - Scottish Phase Celebration Event
What's On!
"Changing Corby" - Phase 2 - Poland!
Scottish song workshops
Celebrating Scottish Culture with DRTT
Corby's Urban Woodlands
Woodland Walks
Fungi of the Forest
Fungi Photo Gallery
Our Woods - project documentation
DRTT Choir
Dreaming Our Woods - 2017
Warkton Concert - 2016
Northants Sings Out 2015
Coming Home 2015
Royal Festival Hall 2015
The Big Night Out 2014
New Town Pioneers 2013
Deep Roots Tall Trees 2012
DRTT Dancetheatre
The Nelken Line
Our Woods
What was "Our Woods"?
People Involved
Barb Jungr
Sing in the Woods
Sophie Cullinan
Kurt Laurenz Theinert
Magical Creatures in the Woods - Light Drawings
Neil Paris
The Eloquent Fold
The Eloquent Fold - images
Virginie Litzler
Impronta Teatro
Impronta Teatro - images
Late Developers Photographic Group
Charlotte Spencer
Is this a Waste Land?
Walking Stories
Francis Lowe
Dr Peter Hill
Woods for the Trees
Landscapes and Timescapes
John Haughton
"The Lost Art Of Mushrooming" and "Framing Fungi"
Walk through King's Walk
Anthony Shrag
Climbing Trees for Grown-ups
Dens and Fort Building - plus Hide and Seek - for Grown-ups
Anna Douglas
Dens and Fort Building - plus Hide and Seek - for Grown-ups
Cat Gerrard
Carry Akroyd
Walking, Looking, Drawing
Picture the Woods at Night
Jo Blake Cave
The Wildlife Trusts
Electric Corby
Katharine Thoday
Woods in the Global Context - Presentation
Matt Merritt
Matthew Oates
Miles and Dacombe
Paula Bolton
Vanessa Grasse
Matt Westbrook
Jack Cooke
Rhoda Bertz
Gareth Fuller
Mark Brennan
George Riley
Further Information
Schools Programme
Picture Galleries
Dreaming Our Woods - song lyrics
I am Ash
The Old Oak Tree
Mother of the Woods (The Beech)
Choir Page